Saturday, December 11, 2010

Be Patient -- I'm new!

This is not the first blog I've started, but it is the first blog I'm hoping continues to grow.  My name is Shannon and I am a closet crafter.  My day job is as a testing coordinator at a A.C. New Middle School in Mesquite, TX.  "What is a testing coordinator?" one may ask.  In a nutshell, I am the education counterpart of a wedding coordinator.  I make sure every student has the correct test, the correct accommodations, an answer document, and a place to take every state- and district-mandated standardized test.  Oh yeah, and then I have to gather all of the data when every test is finished and put it in a readable format for my principal.  All this for approximately 1000 students.  Glorified paper-pusher and data analyzer.  Fun, Fun, Fun.  In addition to this, I am also a coach.  In addition to that, I am a wife and mother of 3.  I'm a bit busy :-).

Back to the term "closet crafter".  I have NEVER in my life considered myself artsy or crafty or creative. I have, though, always admired those who are these things.   Concrete-sequential, everything has a definite answer, black-and-white, clearly defined parameters -- that's me.  For whatever reason, though, I decided to decorate a journal/scrapbook back in the spring and things have never been the same since.  I spent my summer opening tyvm, my shop on Etsy, and improving and perfecting my craft.  I realized I DO have something of a crafty side (tempered by my "perfectionist" alter-ego), and that that crafty side allowed me to relieve stress . . . and has started to turn into a little bit of extra money.  Who knows where it will take me, but I'm glad go!

I plan to use this blog to share some of the things I do in my shop and on  Etsy, but also to showcase some of the items I create for friends and family that never make it to my shop.  As far as pictures go, keep your expectations low and you won't be disappointed -- I am learning how to take them, how to edit them, and finding the time to do all of this is a challenge all its own.  I'm also learning the ins and outs of web tools such as widgets (what??) and all of that good stuff.  Here is my first attempt at inserting a widget.  It's of the latest treasury I created on Etsy called Picture This! - wish me luck: 

Enjoy my fumbles and follies, and I hope you follow along and enjoy the ride!


  1. Great job! If you have blogging questions or editing questions, I can usually find the answer if I can't answer it for you!

  2. Excellent -- I will need all the help I can get. Seriously!

  3. First question: I inserted several hyperlinks in this post, and whereas they are clickable, you wouldn't know it unless you scroll your mouse over it. How do I make them show up, or do I need to just make them a different font color?

  4. Congrats on your blog....I am planning on starting one as well, but you have just jumped in and done it! Awesome....I am now a follower! :)

  5. Also, love your background and THANKS for showcasing my pic again!!

  6. I don't know if you have already fixed it, but as of right now, I can see the links just fine. They are the usual bright blue.

    BTW, love that you're blogging!!!! I swear that even though you think you may have nothing to blog about, as you blog more you find yourself doing something and thinking...this would make a GREAT blog post!!! I do it all the time. :D

  7. Thanks for all the support and kind words. I really didn't intend for this post to be as long as turned out, but as I typed the words just came forth!

    Ri, I 'fixed' the links by editing and manually changing them to blue. I'm sure there's got to be a better way, but for now I will stick with that!
